Tourism in Doha

Regardless of where you are coming from, visiting Doha as a tourist means there’s a lot to learn about culture and customs in addition in addition to the fun things there are to experience. Understanding Doha, Qatar tourism and culture means learning different and unique formalities, how to dress for both cultural appreciation and weather, and how to make the most of your trip. Doha is a melting pot of cultures, with a lot of people and traditions merging to form an amazing city, yet still maintaining its rich heritage. There are few tips you should know before vacationing in Doha that can definitely make your trip easier and ultimately more enjoyable. Below is a quick overview on what to do prior to enjoying Doha, Qatar tourism and how to really enjoy your trip in Doha.

What Should I Know?

When do you plan to go, where do you want to stay, and how will you get there? Unless you already live close to Doha, chances are there will be a lot of things to research online before just hopping over and knowing what to expect. For starters, the biggest tourist season is from November to March, since the uncomfortable desert season hasn’t hit yet, and it is considered fairly cool and mild as far as Qatar goes. It is almost always hot and humid in Qatar, especially during the summer, but there are times when temperatures are more mild and comfortable for those unaccustomed to the heat and humidity. Staying closer to the Persian Gulf will result in cooler temperatures but at the cost of higher humidity.

In Qatar, people tend to dress relatively conservatively by covering up moderately and not exposing too much skin. Some people still wear veils and head scarves, but it is no longer required due to increased and more open tourism in Doha, Qatar. Couples should avoid any public displays of affection as they are not looked upon favorably in the country’s culture. Alcohol is allowed but it is highly regulated and not available everywhere. Crime is fairly uncommon with most tourists and expats saying they feel safe for the most part.

What Is There To Do?

Shopping in area is the perfect combination of new traditions and classic culture. There are many different shops with fun things to buy, so you can return home with exotic and unique purchases. Exploring the souqs is often cited as one of the highlights of tourism in Doha, Qatar for the remarkable offerings such as jewelry and clothing, and the truly unique experience it presents. Shopping is one of the main past-times in Doha and other areas of Qatar because of the variety of experiences and products to choose from, ranging from Middle East specialties to Western name brands.

For those looking to tackle the cultural side of Doha, there are plenty of museums such as the Museum of Islamic Artvarious art centers, and other attractions to hopefully pique your interest. Dining in Doha comes in all flavors and varieties: the entire city is a melting pot of culture so there’s no shortage of restaurant options to choose from.

Since Doha is such an up-and-coming city in a constantly evolving country, there are a lot of expats found in the country, residing in housing rentals in Doha. If you like your vacation, consider living here, as many people from around the world already have. Many people from places such as Europe, North America, India, and other Asian countries have chosen to move to Doha, Qatar, for a plethora of work opportunities in a city that has been consistently on the rise and looks to keep this trend going for quite some time.

One of the highlights for many who visit or move to Doha, is the variety of quality housing available. COREO can help those considering moving to the region locate property that suits their needs and budget.


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